Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Old Friend...

So my mission papers are done!

 I had all my last meeting with the Bishop and the Stake President. Funny story there. My meeting with the Stake President went very well except I called him the wrong name.... the entire time! I was later told that by my mother who goes to swimming aerobics every morning with the stake presidents wife. Just my luck, right? 

My papers went in Sunday night June 17th, Fathers Day! So by June 28th I will know Where and When (hopefully)! And as soon as I open my letter one of my many calls to people will be to my Bishop to set up a date to go through the temple!! I'm so happy to finally be ready to go. And that's something really important I learned. That I need to be ready to enter the temple. Mentally and spiritually ready to receive the sacred ordinances and blessing. Just being outside the temple I have a strong spirit with me. I cant imagine how I'm going to feel when I'm IN the temple! (I'll make sure to give you my emotional update when I'm out of the temple!)

So last night I had my first anxiety moment about my mission since this whole process began. I was standing in the kitchen realizing that in less than two weeks I will know where I'm going to be spending the next year and a half of my life all on my own. No one I know will be with me. Complete alone... and then I felt the familiar warm embrace of the spirit in my body. Feeling at peace about the journey ahead of me. Once again I felt the same feeling that I felt when I made my decision to go on a mission. The feeling that told me, "I'm going on a mission, and that it's okay." 
Last night during my few seconds of loneliness I was terrified for what was ahead. I felt I wasn't ready or wasn't worthy to go. But the warm embrace of my old friend gave me the confidence to know that I will never be alone and that I am a ready and worthy missionary!
-Miss Mish-

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